Sularla çevrili etrafım.
Dışarıda muhteşem Akdeniz, içeride bedenimin %85ini kaplayan sular.
Su elemenı uyum sağlar, temizler, yapışır kalır, aşağı çeker ve aradan sıyrılır sürekli.
Ayurveda’ya göre duyguların yatağıdır su. Günümüzü renklendiren hayatın tüm zevklerinin müsebbipiyken karanlığı, depresyonu, donuk halleri de su bulandığında yaşarız.
Bu nedenle sistemde bir değişiklik istiyorsak ilk iş suyu bir çalkalayıp hareketlendirmek. Artık yoganın daha süptil etkileriyle çalışıyoruz. Su elementini yöneten Svadisthana çakra, sosyal ilişkilerimizi, cinsel ifademizi ve hayal alemimizi şekillendiriyor. Bu küçük yoga programı ilham perilerini çağırırken kendinizi daha açık ve keyifli hissetmenize yardım edecek. Pelvik tabandaki fiziksel ve süptil blokajları da kaldırmaya yarayacak.
Sizin de su ile şenlenmeye ihtiyacınız varsa Eylül sonuna kadar Sundance Camp’te kişiye özel 3 günlük inzivalarıma devam ediyorum. Konusunu ihtiyacınıza göre belirleyebilirsiniz; Şifa Yogası, Kadının Yolu veya ileri düzey yoga ve meditasyon çalışması yapabiliriz. Yüzme, kano, likya yolu yürüyüşü, thai masaj terapisi gibi hoşlukları da burada bulmak mümkün. Deneme ayı fiyatım 450 TL (konaklama-yemek haric) Temmuz boyu geçerli. 1 Ağustos’tan sonra 600 TL’ye kaydolabilirsiniz. Evinizden çıkmaya hazır değilseniz bu inzivaları online da gerçekleştirebiliriz. Bilgi için bana bir e-posta göndermeniz yeterli.
I used to have serious issues with my immune system.
My dear fellow trainer and friend Gulesin used to call me `porcelain doll`. Slightest pressure and I would catch a nasty flu or cold lasting for weeks aggravated by respiratory issues. I thought I had a ridiculously weak immune system. I desperately searched for ways for balance and wellness to the point of travelling around with half a kg of supplements.
My first `aha` moment around the causes of these immune system issues was the realisation that the severe conditions putting me in survival moments mostly happened when there was a super-strong pressure for performance. In a way flu was my body in auto-pilot; shutting me off by reducing my ability to function.
I benefited a lot from the physical purifications of yoga and ayurveda that I applied over the years. However, at the heart of the transition from four flu episodes a year to a rather strong body and presence was the ability to shift my perception of reality through the energetic aspects of yoga.
Mind over matter!
Also getting to know myself and my constitution better helped me to realize that my immune system was actually over-worked and needed balance instead of `boost`.
This yoga program supports the circulation and removal of stagnant energy from main areas where our lymph nodes are located so that we can keep our system pure and nourished. We are massaging our hormonal glands and working on our autonomous nervous system to achieve an overall balance of our warrior within; the immune system. Suitable for all levels and including adaptations with props.
I am very excited to announce that my `gem` wellness retreat Vibrance will be available online very soon! You will get an amazing framework for self-observation and tools for creating balance in your life.
Stay tuned! Expected release date is 1st of September <3
I had around 100 private retreat clients over the last year and one specific yoga program was a given for each single retreat/consultation experience: stress management.
Whether we deal with it in a highly functional way or totally go into burn out stress is the number one common denominator we have as a burden.
We all need some tips and tricks for dealing with anxiety and stress; grounding ourselves in trust and surrender.
Yoga works magic in stress management. Countless studies have proven the efficiency and effectiveness of yoga asana, breathing techniques and meditation on stress and anxiety; both being a prime psycho-somatic factor in many health conditions. This yoga program will help you ground yourself and find your center.
With the pandemic we all are preparing for the mental health dimension of the consequences. If you catch your mind drowning in doom scenarios or finding new challenges in your relationships maybe it is time to take action and stop the drama in an intelligent way.
For a while already; my practice is the backbone of my emotional and mental stability. Hence, I insist on a minimal effort to anchor yourself in the present.
My private retreats will be offered at the Mediterranean coast of Antalya/Turkey in August/September. We can meet up for Vibrance Wellness, Meditation 101, Feminine Way or Advanced Yoga and Meditation retreats at this little piece of heaven. Drop a line for more information.
For the ones who want to stay in for a while longer; our Online 200hr Meditation and Yoga Teacher Training Course accredited by Yoga Alliance will run until the end of 2020!
Now we have a 50% flash sale for the live cycle from Aug 26th to Sep 22nd; you can join this amazing course for 550 USD for this limited time!
Stay tuned for more online surprises coming up.