
I am an empowerment coach, meditation instructor, business owner, yoga therapist, and creator of The Inner Contemplation Methodologies.

About Me

My life has been quite exciting from a very young age. I never really knew exactly what I wanted to do, but as long as I was having a good time and excelling at what was in front of me, I was happy.

A woman of Istanbul, I was born into a world with many opportunities; for men. I was still lucky to study at the top schools, learning several languages but only kept German and English, and earned 2 master's degrees in Conflict Analysis and Resolution and European Studies resulting in the most eclectic CV.

I traveled all over Europe as a youth activist - my connection to humanity, service, and the collective consciousness was strong from a young age, although I didn’t know how to put that into words. I was just following my heart.

This outlook worked for me until it didn`t.

There was a moment when I had everything perfectly successful on paper - the great job, house, car, partner, lifestyle…However, on the inside, I felt restless, burnt-out, and a big FOMO towards life as if there are greater things out there far beyond my reach.

I was simply fighting other people's battles and confused about what truly matters. To a level that it messed up with my physical health.

Three chapters into my Ph.D. thesis and gazillion job offers rolling in; I dropped everything to come closer to myself and essentially embody the learnings that I am sharing now. After more than a decade of studying yoga, meditation, ayurveda, and tantra I created Inner Contemplation Methodologies.

Now running my coaching brand all over the world and am a partner at a meditation center in Bali supporting hundreds of people on their path to evolution.

It brings me joy, satisfaction, pride, happiness, and purpose to take these teachings and share them with people from all over the world. To share the magic of my own successes so that they may ripple out into the world.

My approach is highly personal; we start our work with a very thorough conversation about you on many levels; physical wellness, emotional and mental qualities, fears and desires, and more.

Based on this conversation we work together with the tools that are suitable for you and your lifestyle to create a life `outside of the box`, full of wellness, wealth, and wisdom.

If what I shared has landed for you and you're feeling the ping of desire, book a call with me here.

My Background


I am not a natural-born yogini. I worked for many years as a project manager and consultant trainer in the corporate world and European institutions. I am a nerd. I care for scientific and esoteric knowledge although I value experiential learning more. My work reflects a balance of intellectual teachings, rituals, experimentation, and somatic tools. This magic synthesis helps my clients to be met wherever they are at.
  • Running my own wellness business for 6 years 
  • Co-founder and manager of a top-rated meditation center in Bali reaching hundreds of participants from all over the world yearly.
  • 25 years of international project management experience having worked for European Union projects, corporate firms, NGO`s and international organisations
  • Training and expertise on online business set up, coaching and communication
  • Double-MA on Conflict Analysis and Resolution and European Studies
Yoga therapy and Meditation

Yoga therapy and Meditation

Through experiencing both sides of this world; mystic and corporate, I have created a system to bridge ancient wisdom to modern life. I will help you to find the exact method that you would work for your particular needs.
International Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT).

Yoga and meditation teacher (E-RYT500 and YACEP) with expertise in:

  • Advanced meditation techniques: Classical tantra, Vjnana Bhairava Tantra, Laya, Mindfulness, Mantra, Yantra, Music, Hridaya, Goenka Vipassana
  • Yogic philosophy: Kashmiri Shaivism, Metaphysics of Yoga, Art of Dying, Ayurveda, Psycho-Spiritual Work
  • Kundalini Yoga: advanced kundalini techniques for awakening and directing the Kundalini energy
Feminine Empowerment

Feminine Empowerment

Your untapped resource in a modern lifestyle is the essence of feminine power. We are multi-tasking in a `men`s world` competing with life. You will reach extraordinary healing, revelations, and empowerment once you unlock this potential.

Empowered instructor of Tantric Deities; with a focus on Dasa Mahavidyas – 10 Wisdom Goddesses

Femininity Work: teachings and techniques from Tantra, Ayurveda, anthropology and philosophy for understanding, expressing and balancing the feminine nature.

Neo-Tantra: philosophy, principles, techniques and rituals of sacred sexuality.

Dijan dancing

Body Work and Movement Teachings

Your body never lies! Emotions, thought patterns, and old habits are all stored in our tissues. If you want change, your strategy needs to address both body and mind. I will support you in introducing and adapting the most appropriate ways to work with the body.
  • Contemporary Dance
  • Improvisation and Contact Improvisation
  • Belly Dance
  • Flamenco
  • Ballroom dances
  • Body work: Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Pilates, Thai massage
  • Theatre of the Oppressed
Holistic approach to health integrating body, mind and soul through hatha, pranayama, kriya (purification), ayurvedic principles, mindfulness, psycho-spiritual work, meditation, diet and life-style adjustments.

Traditional tantric practices: Meditation with long mantra, yantra, yagna (fire ceremony) and other elaborate practices.

Advanced meditation techniques: Meditation techniques of Vjnana Bhairava Tantra, Laya, Mindfulness, Mantra, Yantra, Music, Hridaya, Goenka Vipassana.
  • Kashmiri Shaivism
  • Metaphysics of Yoga
  • Traditional Tantric Practices
  • Art of Dying
  • Ayurveda
  • Psycho-Spiritual Work
  • Conflict Analysis and Resolution

Feminine Empowerment

Study of meditation with Deities; with a focus on Dasa Mahavidyas – 10 Cosmic Powers of Wisdom.

Femininity Work: teachings and techniques from Tantra, Ayurveda, anthropology and philosophy for understanding, expressing and balancing the feminine nature.

Kundalini Yoga: advanced kundalini techniques for awakening and directing the Kundalini energy.

Sexual Tantra: philosophy, principles, techniques and rituals of sexual tantra.

Body Work and
Movement Teachings

  • Contemporary Dance
  • Improvisation and Contact Improvisation
  • Belly Dance
  • Flamenco
  • Ballroom dances
  • Body work: Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Pilates, Thai massage
  • Theatre of the Oppressed

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