A woman of Istanbul, I was born into a world with many opportunities; for men. I was still lucky to study at the top schools, learning several languages but only kept German and English, earned 2 master's degrees on Conflict Analysis and Resolution and European Studies resulting in the most eclectic CV.
I traveled all over Europe as a youth activist - my connection to humanity, service, and the collective consciousness were strong from a young age, although I didn’t know how to put that into words. I was just following my heart.
This outlook worked for me until it didn`t.
There was a moment when I had everything perfectly successful on paper - the great job, house, car, partner, lifestyle…However, on the inside, I felt restless, burnt-out, and a big FOMO towards life as if there are greater things out there far beyond my reach.
I was simply fighting other people's battles and confused about what truly matters. To a level that it messed up with my physical health.
Three chapters into my Ph.D. thesis and gazillion job offers rolling in; I dropped everything to come closer to myself and essentially embody the learnings. After more than a decade of studying yoga, meditation and tantra I created Inner Contemplation Methodologies.
Now running my coaching brand all over the world and I am a partner at a meditation center in Bali, supporting hundreds of people on their path to evolution.
I am not a natural-born yogini. I worked many years as a project manager and consultant trainer in the corporate world and European institutions. I am a nerd. I care for scientific and esoteric knowledge although I value experiential learning more. My work reflects a balance of intellectual teachings, rituals, experimentation and somatic tools.
Through experiencing both sides of this world; mystic and corporate, I have created a system to bridge ancient wisdom to modern life.
I am a walking, living, breathing example of what it tastes, feels, and looks like to live from within our truest power. To combine both old and new in a seamless way to create harmony, action, and deliberate steps in one's life.
It brings me joy, satisfaction, pride, happiness, and purpose to take these teachings and share them with people from all over the world. To share the magic of my own successes so that they may ripple out into the world.