If you hear yourself saying these words; spot on!
`There is too much pressure!`
I have been there; the one on top of work plans and the software that goes with them. Strategizing, implementing, catching deadlines, and achieving one goal after another. Squeezing a gym session here and there; definitely some cool social time or holidays and rushing back to where I left everything.
Does that look familiar to you?
Pressure comes in all forms; not having enough time, too high expectations of bosses, or simply too much to do.
Even as a self-led woman, owning my businesses I found myself in the same situation; this time projecting that `boss-pressure` to my business partners or peers.
Until I had my a-ha moment!
Here I am inviting you to look into this wiring of perfectionism.
`I am not happy`
You finally had the promotion you have been looking for. Maybe you bought that designer-bag missing from your wardrobe. Had that perfect vacation on sandy beaches. Many wants are fulfilled.
However when quiet and alone; those big words come up blinking `I am not happy.`
This is such a profound moment of truth and authenticity. I invite you to embrace it and use it as a springboard instead of dreading it. This is how change starts.
`If only I had a more supportive partner`
This a very common complaint I hear from women going through difficult times in their lives; so I cannot let this one go.
An unfulfilled and stressful life brings in a survival mode. In this state it is fairly easy to externalize your issues; the prime target is your partner. `S/he was so driven and passionate before, now it is just dull routines`. `S/he doesn`t get me at all, we are on different planets right now`, `I feel like I am giving all I have and not getting much in return` …
If these thoughts are recurring for you too, it is time to look inwards and dig deeper.
`She has what I don`t have`
Envy comes in so many ways and forms, a very cheeky part to be mindful of! How come she always looks so fit and healthy? Why does she get so many likes/clients/attention and I don`t? `I cannot stand one more happy couple pic from her anymore`...
Sometimes envy takes another route and says `hmm she may have all that but I know that she is not that all-together at all, remember the time….` disempowering the opponent`.
Or the most common of all; turning her life into excellent gossip material. Ohhh envy loves that! `Let`s release some of the poison of my inner demons by just dropping a cynical comment about her. Just words for having a laugh, no harm done. Ah, that felt good.`
My friend; these are all alarm bells for you. It is time to do some inner work!
Let's have a good conversation and some useful strategies to avoid these perpetual self-sacrificing traps.
Sign up now for my free masterclass `Permission to Stop Sacrificing Yourself`; Wednesday 7th Dec, 8pm Bali time.