3 Reasons Why You Need a Retreat, STAT

March 9, 2020

`Hi Dijan. Lovely to hear from you! I developed a better morning routine - short meditation and yoga. Also, more conscious about how I am feeling. Especially after feeling great/looking great after the retreat, that became a benchmark :)`

`Yes things are much better ... firstly after our retreat my energies are so positive .. I got a job and everyone says I am so positive!!`

`I learn that quick morning yoga is better than 1-hour massage. `

I recently got in touched with my clients in 2019 to check in how they are doing and these above are how some responded.  

Also, my personal retreat to be at the receiving end again, learn new things and shuffle my `insides` around a little bit to break some destructive patterns was another validation.

We all need to take a step back from everything, attend to ourselves with whatever guidance we see fit.


Because as Einstein said; `we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. ` Taking some time apart from our daily affairs and problems; going inwards for a little self-inquiry may be exactly what you need to have a fresh perspective.

Because we need to create a new baseline for your body, mind and soul. Well-guided yoga and meditation practices have proven effects on our nervous system and overall balance of our being assisting the self-healing mechanism of our body. This gives us a more positive and healthier outlook to life.

Because if we want a change our life, we need to start doing things differently. Move when we feel like chilling; act when we feel like hiding; dance when we feel like caving! I am not saying not to listen to our needs but when we are stuck in patterns our authentic voice is usually hidden behind our urge for instant gratification. We rather do what makes us feel comfortable than what makes us move ahead and evolve.

If you have the possibility, better to move away from your home for a little while. If not, I just suggest to get some guidance to design a retreat program for yourself and have your own private one at home.

You are welcome to join me if you would like to experience a yoga retreat in Bali or have an online consult to design your own. Always happy to help and share what works.

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